F diff --git a/src/frontend/lex/lexer.c b/src/frontend/lex/lexer.c --- a/src/frontend/lex/lexer.c +++ b/src/frontend/lex/lexer.c
return ((struct token*)(translation_data->tokens->first->data))->type;
- char compare_tokens(struct token *a,struct token *b)
- {
- size_t i;
- if(a->data_size!=b->data_size)
- return 0;
- for(i=0;i<a->data_size;++i)
- {
- if(a->data[i]!=b->data[i])
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
struct token* get_next_token(struct Source_File *src,struct automata_entry *start_state,char skip_new_line)
F diff --git a/src/frontend/lex/lexer.h b/src/frontend/lex/lexer.h --- a/src/frontend/lex/lexer.h +++ b/src/frontend/lex/lexer.h
char get_and_check_unsafe(struct Translation_Data *translation_data,enum KEYWORDS kw);
void chomp(struct Translation_Data *translation_data);
enum KEYWORDS kw_get(struct Translation_Data *translation_data);
- char compare_tokens(struct token *a,struct token *b);
char src_getc(struct Source_File *src,char skip_line_splice,char skip_comments,char skip_new_line);
void src_ungetc(struct Source_File *src);
F diff --git a/src/semantics/identifiers/denoted.c b/src/semantics/identifiers/denoted.c --- a/src/semantics/identifiers/denoted.c +++ b/src/semantics/identifiers/denoted.c
if( AS_DENOTED_OBJECT_PTR(denoted)->linkage!=LINKAGE_NONE )
- }else if( ((struct Denoted*)denoted)->denotation == DT_Function )
- {
- if( AS_DENOTED_FUNCTION(denoted)->linkage!=LINKAGE_NONE )
- return;
F diff --git a/src/semantics/value/type.c b/src/semantics/value/type.c --- a/src/semantics/value/type.c +++ b/src/semantics/value/type.c
return a==b;
- /* 6.2.7
- * two types have compatible type if their types are the same.
- * Additional
- *
- * */
- char types_are_compatible(struct Type *a,struct Type *b)
- {
- return types_are_identical(a,b) || ( type_is_constant(a)==type_is_constant(b) && type_is_volatile(a)==type_is_volatile(b)
- && types_are_compatible_inner(a,b) );
- }
- char types_are_compatible_unqualified(struct Type *a,struct Type *b)
- {
- return types_are_identical(a,b) || types_are_compatible_inner(a,b);
- }
- char types_are_compatible_inner(struct Type *a,struct Type *b)
- {
- switch(a->specifier)
- {
- case TS_STRUCT:
- case TS_UNION:
- if(b->specifier!=a->specifier)
- return 0;
- else
- return types_of_struct_unions_are_compatible_unqualified(
- ((struct Type_Struct_Union*)a)->struct_union,
- ((struct Type_Struct_Union*)b)->struct_union);
- case TS_POINTER:
- if(b->specifier!=TS_POINTER)
- return 0;
- else
- return types_of_pointers_are_compatible_unqualified((struct Type_Pointer*)a,(struct Type_Pointer*)b);
- case TS_ARRAY:
- if(b->specifier!=TS_ARRAY)
- return 0;
- else
- return types_of_arrays_are_compatible_unqualified((struct Type_Array*)a,(struct Type_Array*)b);
- if(b->specifier!=TS_BITFIELD)
- return 0;
- else
- return types_of_bitfields_are_compatible_unqalified((struct Type_Bit_Field*)a,(struct Type_Bit_Field*)b);
- case TS_FUNC:
- if(b->specifier!=TS_FUNC)
- return 0;
- else
- return types_of_functions_are_compatible_unqualified((struct Type_Function*)a,(struct Type_Function*)b);
- case TS_VOID:
- case TS_CHAR:
- case TS_INT:
- case TS_FLOAT:
- case TS_DOUBLE:
- if(b->specifier!=a->specifier)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- struct Type_Basic *basic_a;
- struct Type_Basic *basic_b;
- basic_a=(struct Type_Basic*)a;
- basic_b=(struct Type_Basic*)b;
- if(basic_a->constraint!=basic_b->constraint)
- return 0;
- if(basic_a->sign!=basic_b->sign)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- assert(0);
- return 0;
- }
- char types_of_pointers_are_compatible_unqualified(struct Type_Pointer *a,struct Type_Pointer *b)
- {
- return types_are_compatible(a->points_to,b->points_to);
- }
- char types_of_arrays_are_compatible_unqualified(struct Type_Array *a,struct Type_Array *b)
- {
- if(!types_are_compatible(a->is_array_of,b->is_array_of))
- return 0;
- /*0 number of elements means incomplete array type*/
- if(a->number_of_elements==0 || b->number_of_elements==0)
- return 1;
- return a->number_of_elements==b->number_of_elements;
- }
- char types_of_functions_are_compatible_unqualified(struct Type_Function *a,struct Type_Function *b)
- {
- size_t current_argument;
- if(!types_are_compatible(a->return_type,b->return_type))
- return 0;
- /*TODO add check for variadic function*/
- if(a->number_of_arguments!=b->number_of_arguments)
- return 0;
- for(current_argument=0;current_argument<a->number_of_arguments;++current_argument)
- {
- if(!types_are_compatible(a->arguments[current_argument]->object->type,b->arguments[current_argument]->object->type))
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- char types_of_struct_unions_are_compatible_unqualified(struct Struct_Union *a,struct Struct_Union *b)
- {
- struct Queue_Node *it_a;
- struct Queue_Node *it_b;
- if( (a->id==NULL || b->id==NULL ) && b->id!=a->id)
- return 0;
- if(a->id!=NULL && !compare_tokens(a->id,b->id))
- return 0;
- if(a->members->size!=b->members->size)
- return 0;
- for(it_a=a->members->first,it_b=a->members->first;it_a!=NULL && it_b!=NULL; it_a=it_a->prev,it_b=it_b->prev)
- {
- struct Denoted_Object *object_a;
- struct Denoted_Object *object_b;
- object_a=(struct Denoted_Object*)it_a->data;
- object_b=(struct Denoted_Object*)it_b->data;
- if(!types_are_compatible( object_a->object->type, object_b->object->type))
- return 0;
- if((object_a->id==NULL || object_b->id==NULL) && object_b->id!=object_a->id)
- return 0;
- if(object_a->id!=NULL && !compare_tokens(object_a->id,object_b->id))
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- char types_of_bitfields_are_compatible_unqalified(struct Type_Bit_Field *a,struct Type_Bit_Field *b)
+ char types_are_compatible(struct Type *a,struct Type *b)
return 1;
- char types_of_enum_are_compatible_unqualified(struct Type_Enum *a,struct Type_Enum *b)
+ char types_are_compatible_unqualified(struct Type *a,struct Type *b)
return 1;
char type_is_scalar(struct Type *type)
return (type->specifier==TS_CHAR || type->specifier==TS_INT || type->specifier==TS_FLOAT || type->specifier==TS_DOUBLE || type->specifier==TS_POINTER);
return (type->specifier==TS_POINTER && type_is_basic(AS_TYPE_PTR_PTR(type)->points_to) && AS_BASIC_TYPE_PTR(AS_TYPE_PTR_PTR(type)->points_to)->specifier==TS_VOID);
- char type_is_constant(struct Type *type)
- {
- switch(type->specifier)
- {
- case TS_VOID:
- case TS_CHAR:
- case TS_INT:
- case TS_FLOAT:
- case TS_DOUBLE:
- return ((struct Type_Basic*)type)->is_const;
- case TS_STRUCT:
- case TS_UNION:
- return ((struct Type_Struct_Union*)type)->is_const ||
- ((struct Type_Struct_Union*)type)->struct_union->has_constant_member;
- case TS_ENUM:
- return ((struct Type_Enum*)type)->is_const;
- case TS_POINTER:
- return ((struct Type_Pointer*)type)->is_const;
- return type_is_constant(((struct Type_Bit_Field*)type)->base);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- char type_is_volatile(struct Type *type)
- {
- switch(type->specifier)
- {
- case TS_VOID:
- case TS_CHAR:
- case TS_INT:
- case TS_FLOAT:
- case TS_DOUBLE:
- return ((struct Type_Basic*)type)->is_volatile;
- case TS_STRUCT:
- case TS_UNION:
- /*
- return ((struct Type_Struct_Union*)type)->is_const ||
- ((struct Type_Struct_Union*)type)->struct_union->has_volatile_member;
- */
- return ((struct Type_Struct_Union*)type)->is_volatile;
- case TS_ENUM:
- return ((struct Type_Enum*)type)->is_const;
- case TS_POINTER:
- return ((struct Type_Pointer*)type)->is_const;
- return type_is_volatile(((struct Type_Bit_Field*)type)->base);
- }
- return 0;
- }
F diff --git a/src/semantics/value/type.h b/src/semantics/value/type.h --- a/src/semantics/value/type.h +++ b/src/semantics/value/type.h
char types_are_identical(struct Type *a,struct Type *b);
char types_are_compatible(struct Type *a,struct Type *b);
char types_are_compatible_unqualified(struct Type *a,struct Type *b);
- char types_are_compatible_inner(struct Type *a,struct Type *b);
- char types_of_pointers_are_compatible_unqualified(struct Type_Pointer *a,struct Type_Pointer *b);
- char types_of_arrays_are_compatible_unqualified(struct Type_Array *a,struct Type_Array *b);
- char types_of_functions_are_compatible_unqualified(struct Type_Function *a,struct Type_Function *b);
- char types_of_struct_unions_are_compatible_unqualified(struct Struct_Union *a,struct Struct_Union *b);
- char types_of_bitfields_are_compatible_unqalified(struct Type_Bit_Field *a,struct Type_Bit_Field *b);
- char types_of_enum_are_compatible_unqualified(struct Type_Enum *a,struct Type_Enum *b);
char type_is_of_object(struct Type *type);
char type_is_complete(struct Type *type);
char type_is_pointer_to_incomplete_type(struct Type *type);
char type_is_pointer_to_void(struct Type *type);
- /*these return 0 if constant/volatile-ness make no sense for the type*/
- char type_is_constant(struct Type *type);
- char type_is_volatile(struct Type *type);
int type_get_integer_conversion_rank(struct Type_Basic *type);